welcome to our blog;

we post imagines, prompts, questions, etc. for selfshippers!• i wanted to make a selfship imagines blog that can appeal to a wide range of f/os and readers - i do not plan on infantalizing or making assumptions about the reader or their f/os.• you are more than welcome to interpret my prompts for polyships / multiple f/os; writing singularly is just easier.friendly reminder— shipping with villains is fine. you don't have to constantly reassure that you don't condone their actions.• feel free to request prompts, but please note that i won't write for specific characters!

i won't write prompts with angst, dark themes, "yandere", etc. so you won't see any here

any hateful asks will be deleted; this is a positive space ♡

have a nice day - your f/o(s) love you ♡

about the mod— adult, she/they/he, bisexual , neurodivergent

frequently asked questions;
what's a f/o?it stands for "fictional other"; this can be a character you view yourself (or a self insert) as having a relationship with; be it romantic, platonic, familial, etc. - this is often a coping mechanism but can also be done purely for fun.

asks that are more than welcome;your own imaginesjust keep them family friendly, please!genuine questionsi am more than happy to give advice if you don't know where else to turn!responses to previous asksfeel free to join the conversation!imagine requestsi won't write requests for specific characters, but feel free to specify the f/o type (familial, platonics, romantic, etc.)

asks that may be deleted without being addressed;gushesyour love for your f/o is valid, obviously! i just do not know how to respond, and it does not fit with the point of the blog. sorry. (edit: i now have a blog which may be of interest if you wish to gush!)anything hateful / offensivei will not expose my followers to petty nonsense. i run this blog anonymously; you do not know who you're saying that shit to. just block the blog.

feel free to mute "not an imagine" to avoid irrelevant posts

other blogs from the mod of "selfshipprompts" — enjoy

to my f/o(@tomyfo)
inspired by unsenttextsuggesion, i intend for this blog to be a place for self shippers to anonymously send messages to their f/os.
how it works: send an ask with something you would like to say to or about your f/o, be it a gush, love letter, well wishes, etc. and i will post it on your behalf. the aim is to give selfshippers a safe space to unload their feelings anonymously, and to relate to the feelings of others in the community. feel free to reblog any submissions that you can relate to.all posts will be posted anonymously — if you would like your own mark-off tag, simply add a "- (mark-off of choice)" to the end of your ask. feel free to ask if mark-offs are taken. - you're welcome to use words instead of emojis if you like!(example: "i love you -☀️" will be posted as "i love you" and tagged as #☀️)
if the dash isn't present then ill assume it's regular emoji use and tag your post as anonymous! feel free to send an ask/dm to correct any tagging!
please don't use the name of your f/o — feel free to refer to your f/o via their pronouns, or as "you". any names will be re-written as "my f/o" or something similar upon being posted.
(example: "i love you", "i hope they're having a nice day", etc.)
once again, i will not post anything harmful or offensive, however i will still add content warning tags to the best of my abilities.this blog runs on a queue so it may take a while for your submission to appear!

sign offs
please note: i can no longer keep track of all sign-offs being used, i trust people not to imitate eachother .. but it's not the end of the world as this blog is anonymous.

texts from f/os – (@textsfromfos)
a blog where i posts "texts" from texts from last night for self shippers to tag as their f/os!
warning, the link above may have nsfw text!
this blog is solely for fun! — the posts aren't meant to be taken literally (unless you want to!)i will not post anything harmful or offensive, however i will still add content warning tags to the best of my abilities.